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How Technology will Affect Education

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How Technology will Affect EducationEdtech

Educational technology is constantly evolving, as a natural consequence of the improvement going on in technologies that can be used. The digitalized world we live in has forever changed our way of learning, and with the technology, it is possible to improve individual’s learning patterns in the way we have never seen before.

Edtech is moving fast forward and becoming an increasingly exciting field for both students and teachers alike. New educational technologies appear every day, and at the moment, it seems like there is an endless resource of ideas.

The Edtech world can seem quite fluffy at times, which why we turned to experts to figure out, what is actually in the future for Edtech. Edtech Denmark, a Danish organization connecting key players within education and technology, share their prediction of which three technologies will dominate 2018, and you can find them right here in the infographic.

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3 Fascinating Facts About How Edtech Will Affect The Education Sector Infographic
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