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Guidance Resources

Welcome to the Guidance Resources

These materials have been provided by a number of Guidance Counsellors. They are intended to help in classroom work and of course some will be of direct help for Students and Parents.

In most cases these materials will be useful in class situations and many can be amended to the users own plans. We are deeply grateful for the work of the information providers.

  • Brian Wall
  • Jean Rogers
  • Brian Lennon
  • WIT Careers Dept
  • Solas
  • University of Limerick

If you would like to contribute some material of your own please use this form ...

Guidance Counsellors

A Guide to Career Decision Making

This is a 12 page booklet on the topic of Career Decision Making.

It includes these sections

  • The A-Z of Career Research
  • The MUASIC Test of Career Interests
  • Needs – Ranking Exercise
  • Preferences
  • Decision Making

Click here to download the Booklet …

After the Leaving Results - What Now?

Where to after the results?

This booklet has been produced by Brain Wall and covers all the issues around the publication of the Leaving Cert results.
This is a list of the topics covered.

1. Account Numbers & Passwords
2. How Do I Get My Results?
3. How Will I React?
4. How Do I Calculate My Points?
5. Subject/s Studied Outside School Not Counted For Points
6. How Are The Offers & Points Decided?
7. Round Two
8. How Do I Receive and Accept An Offer?
9. I Have The Points But Did Not Get An Offer
10. What Is Random Selection?
11. I Have Accepted My C.A.O. Offer, What Happens Now?
12. Appealing Calculated Grades/s
13. Sitting the Leaving Certificate Exam November 2020
14. What Happens If I Drop Out Of College?
15. If I Start A Course, Can I Transfer?
16. I Want To Defer My Offer
17. What Are My Options If I Have No Offer?
17.1 Available/Vacant Places
17.2 Private Colleges
17.3 Trade/Apprenticeships
17.4 Teagasc
17.5 BIM
17.6 The Defence Forces
17.7 An Garda Síochána & Emergency Services
17.8 Post Leaving Certificate Courses (P.L.C.s)
17.9 Repeating The Leaving Certificate
17.10 Going Straight Into The World Of Work
18. College Orientation Day
Important Dates

Click here to download booklet …

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Sharing Experiences and Suggestions Around Alcohol & Substance Abuse                

A Collaborative Guide For Parents

This booklet addresses the issue of alcohol misuse. It encourages parents to use both the strength of their relationship with their teen and boundaries to help delay drinking for as long as possible. This 5th edition has a new important aspect added. It deals with why teenagers drink and how these reasons can help drive parent’s response to the issue and gives new insights into the issues of self-esteem.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Apprenticeships PowerPoint

Solas have made this presentation available as an aid to Guidance Counsellors in their careers work.

Presentation for Guidance Counsellors...

Choice Theory Psychology Books

Announcing a brand new series about Choice Theory psychology. Seven short books are now available on a range of popular topics. The books are intended for the general public though the contents will also be of special interest to counsellors and other support services.

Click here to read full details …

Choice Theory Psychology Guide to Stress

A fresh approach to stress focusing on what you can do for yourself to manage this condition.

The author views stress as a clear signal that things are not going well in a person’s life. Consequently the emphasis is on heeding the signal and investigating the possible causes of the stress, instead of simply addressing the symptoms.

Click here for more information …

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters

This is a 12 page booklet dealing with all aspects of CV and Cover letter preparation. An excellent aid in the classroom or for the student working on their own.

  • Useful Websites
  • Example C.V. 1.
  • Example C.V. 2.
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 1
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 2
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 3
  • Emailing Cover Letters
  • Final Things to Remember

Click here to download the booklet …

Dyslexia Courses Ireland

Dyslexia Courses Ireland offers support to teachers at primary and secondary level, parents of students with dyslexia and the students who have dyslexia.

The support is offered through courses/study skills workshops and information /resources are made available on-line.

Click here for more information …

First Leanings Toolkit

The First Leanings toolkit is designed to:

  • Help Transition Year students to develop an accurate understanding of their individual traits, interests, personality preferences, skills, personal values and motivations
  • Assist Transition Year students in learning about third-level education in a range of disciplinary areas and relevant employment market sectors
  • Encourage Transition Year students to align their career preferences with their choices in relation to Leaving Certificate subjects and subsequent third-level courses
  • Support Transition Year students in making informed decisions around their course and career options
  • Allow Transition Year students to make choices that are congruent with their profile and preferences and the world of work
  • Guide Transition Year students in preparation for relevant work experience and the reality of the world of work

Click here for more information …

Getting The Best Out of School

Getting The Best Out of School – Getting the Best Out of Me – A Student Study Guide

For J.C. Guidance Well-Being

This is a new Study Skills Manual for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Year students that can be used as a study skills module for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Students PDF Document …

Click here to download Students Word Document …

Click here to download Parents PDF Document …

Click here to download Parents Word Document …

Helping Your Teenagers Study

Helping Your Teenagers Study, A Guide For 5th & 6th Year Parents

This is the parents study guide and is designed for parents of students in  5th & 6th year.

Click here to download PDF Document  …

Click here to download Word Document …

Monthly Task Calendar for Guidance Counsellors

This is a listing of the activities that need to be done month by month, an excellent resource and you can add your own to it too.

Click here to download the Calendar …

Parent’s Guide To College Choices

The Parent’s Guide To College Choices will help you guide a prospective college student to make their own decisions and become independent. Here are some of the steps involved in making the right course choices.

Click here to download the guide …

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects & Beyond – A Guide For 4th year Parents

This booklet deals with what should be considered when selecting Leaving  Cert subjects. The issues of minimum requirements and the points system are explained. It also deals with the issue of the ‘easy’ subjects, the ‘Wimbledon’ effect, and overlap in subject content, and teacher driven selection. It also discusses checking previous exam papers, listening carefully to what others might say about their experiences, and the process of making choices. It is designed for use by parents of teenagers in 4th year who are selecting their Leaving Certificate subjects.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Study Skills for Passionate Learners

As a contribution in the present crisis, Brian Lennon has put together a booklet (70 pages) on Study Skills.  It’s called “STUDY by CHOICE” and is intended for students from secondary level upwards.  It is published on Amazon both as a paperback and as a Kindle e-book. The book is free for one week.  It is available here …

To accompany the book a set of presentation slides are available below for classroom use.

Download Teachers Notes here …

  1. Don’t even think about studying! | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  2. Your learning for life story | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  3. The Five-Second Study Skills Course | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  4. If you haven’t got the ball, you can’t score a goal | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  5. Instant Coffee | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  6. Spinning your web | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  7. How do you know you know? | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  8. Remembering not to forget | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  9. LAST but not least | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  10. The Secret Power of Your Memory | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  11. Your Study Den | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  12. Homework and Study | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  13. Holy Notes | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  14. Learning With Style | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  15. Study Time Management | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  16. Revision | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  17. Examination Expertise | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  18. Studies Cross-Examination | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  19. Your Best Teacher | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |


Taking The Next Step – A Guide To Further & Higher Education

This booklet brings together information from the NFQ, the points system, the CAO, HEAR, DARE and the NUI. It also covers the area of PLC courses and other non-CAO options. It is designed for use by parents of 6th year students.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual for J.C. Guidance/Well-Being

This booklet examines different categories of work and the jobs within these categories. There are two booklets, a student workbook and a teachers’ version. It is designed to be used as a vocational guidance resource for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Student PDF document …

Click here to download Student Word documen …

Click here to download Teachers PDF document …

Click here to download Teachers Word document …

Transition From Primary School to Secondary School

This booklet examines the experiences of students moving from primary school to secondary school. It provides parents with tips and insights to help them assist their child both emotionally and practically with this transition.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Turning Information on the World of Work into Self Exploration

Where you at the workshop described below at local level or previous years’ conferences and received these classroom based resources which focus on how to turn information on the world of work into student self-exploration. These resources provide classroom activities and homework activities for those working in with 4th years and are designed to encourage student self-exploration.

If you were at this workshop in the past, either at local level or at Conferences, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will send you a considerably updated version of the teacher manual and student manual. Also, if you are in a school where some or all students select their Leaving Certificate subjects in 3rd year, and have attended this workshop, please state so, and I will send you a new 3rd year version of the student and teacher manual. This resource is only of use to those you attended the workshops.

What Puts Us In Good Form – What Puts Us In Bad Form

Where you at this workshop at the annual conference in D.C.U. or in Donegal, or at the Dublin South/Wicklow branch in-service and received a teacher manual and student workbook designed for the Guidance competent of the Junior Cycle Well-Being?

If so, please email me at [email protected]  and I will send you a considerably updated version of the student and teacher manual. This resource is only of use to those you attended the workshops.

Working it Out

How to use Working it Out:

  • Working it Out is a booklet which can be used to record the process of a student’s career decision making. It is useful for students, and with their consent can be viewed by parents.
  • It is also useful as it confirms that the guidance work has been done and a decision-making process has happened. It can be used in the classroom or on a one to one basis and is particularly useful for completion after the mocks.
  • Working it Out gives an A-Z methodology which can be adapted to most students allowing them to work independently. It can also be turned into the A-Z of PLC or the A-Z of Apprenticeship with a few edits. In this version A to Q works for most students with the R to Z suitable for CAO applicants.
  • MUASIC gives a standard interest test where students can see high and low This contrasts with computer versions of interest tests where individual answers cannot be viewed. Even if the overall score is not reflecting their interests individual scores of 5 can help identify interests. Scores can then be compared with other interest tests done online.
  • The needs inventory allows the student to define their needs based on the test. They mark a high score 4 or a – skip to indicate how high their need of this area will be in the future. This gives a good guide to priorities.
  • Examples:
  • What are their strongest needs from all the areas MUASIC?
  • What strong subjects would they like to continue to learn?
  • What weaker subjects would they skip? The skip feature confirms areas they do not want to do ever again!
  • Working it Out asks the student to give reasons for their choice and address concerns like cost, location, and job opportunities.
  • The opening page records an I.D. code or a name

Click here to download the booklet …


After the Leaving Results - What Now?

Where to after the results?

This booklet has been produced by Brain Wall and covers all the issues around the publication of the Leaving Cert results.
This is a list of the topics covered.

1. Account Numbers & Passwords
2. How Do I Get My Results?
3. How Will I React?
4. How Do I Calculate My Points?
5. Subject/s Studied Outside School Not Counted For Points
6. How Are The Offers & Points Decided?
7. Round Two
8. How Do I Receive and Accept An Offer?
9. I Have The Points But Did Not Get An Offer
10. What Is Random Selection?
11. I Have Accepted My C.A.O. Offer, What Happens Now?
12. Appealing Calculated Grades/s
13. Sitting the Leaving Certificate Exam November 2020
14. What Happens If I Drop Out Of College?
15. If I Start A Course, Can I Transfer?
16. I Want To Defer My Offer
17. What Are My Options If I Have No Offer?
17.1 Available/Vacant Places
17.2 Private Colleges
17.3 Trade/Apprenticeships
17.4 Teagasc
17.5 BIM
17.6 The Defence Forces
17.7 An Garda Síochána & Emergency Services
17.8 Post Leaving Certificate Courses (P.L.C.s)
17.9 Repeating The Leaving Certificate
17.10 Going Straight Into The World Of Work
18. College Orientation Day
Important Dates

Click here to download booklet …

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Sharing Experiences and Suggestions Around Alcohol & Substance Abuse                

A Collaborative Guide For Parents

This booklet addresses the issue of alcohol misuse. It encourages parents to use both the strength of their relationship with their teen and boundaries to help delay drinking for as long as possible. This 5th edition has a new important aspect added. It deals with why teenagers drink and how these reasons can help drive parent’s response to the issue and gives new insights into the issues of self-esteem.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Apprenticeships PowerPoint

Solas have made this presentation available as an aid to Guidance Counsellors in their careers work.

Presentation for Guidance Counsellors...

Choice Theory Psychology Guide to Stress

A fresh approach to stress focusing on what you can do for yourself to manage this condition.

The author views stress as a clear signal that things are not going well in a person’s life. Consequently the emphasis is on heeding the signal and investigating the possible causes of the stress, instead of simply addressing the symptoms.

Click here for more information …

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters

This is a 12 page booklet dealing with all aspects of CV and Cover letter preparation. An excellent aid in the classroom or for the student working on their own.

  • Useful Websites
  • Example C.V. 1.
  • Example C.V. 2.
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 1
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 2
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 3
  • Emailing Cover Letters
  • Final Things to Remember

Click here to download the booklet …

Dyslexia Courses Ireland

Dyslexia Courses Ireland offers support to teachers at primary and secondary level, parents of students with dyslexia and the students who have dyslexia.

The support is offered through courses/study skills workshops and information /resources are made available on-line.

Click here for more information …

Getting The Best Out of School

Getting The Best Out of School – Getting the Best Out of Me – A Student Study Guide

For J.C. Guidance Well-Being

This is a new Study Skills Manual for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Year students that can be used as a study skills module for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Students PDF Document …

Click here to download Students Word Document …

Click here to download Parents PDF Document …

Click here to download Parents Word Document …

Helping Your Teenagers Study

Helping Your Teenagers Study, A Guide For 5th & 6th Year Parents

This is the parents study guide and is designed for parents of students in  5th & 6th year.

Click here to download PDF Document  …

Click here to download Word Document …

Parent’s Guide To College Choices

The Parent’s Guide To College Choices will help you guide a prospective college student to make their own decisions and become independent. Here are some of the steps involved in making the right course choices.

Click here to download the guide …

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects & Beyond – A Guide For 4th year Parents

This booklet deals with what should be considered when selecting Leaving  Cert subjects. The issues of minimum requirements and the points system are explained. It also deals with the issue of the ‘easy’ subjects, the ‘Wimbledon’ effect, and overlap in subject content, and teacher driven selection. It also discusses checking previous exam papers, listening carefully to what others might say about their experiences, and the process of making choices. It is designed for use by parents of teenagers in 4th year who are selecting their Leaving Certificate subjects.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Study Skills for Passionate Learners

As a contribution in the present crisis, Brian Lennon has put together a booklet (70 pages) on Study Skills.  It’s called “STUDY by CHOICE” and is intended for students from secondary level upwards.  It is published on Amazon both as a paperback and as a Kindle e-book. The book is free for one week.  It is available here …

To accompany the book a set of presentation slides are available below for classroom use.

Download Teachers Notes here …

  1. Don’t even think about studying! | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  2. Your learning for life story | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  3. The Five-Second Study Skills Course | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  4. If you haven’t got the ball, you can’t score a goal | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  5. Instant Coffee | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  6. Spinning your web | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  7. How do you know you know? | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  8. Remembering not to forget | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  9. LAST but not least | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  10. The Secret Power of Your Memory | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  11. Your Study Den | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  12. Homework and Study | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  13. Holy Notes | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  14. Learning With Style | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  15. Study Time Management | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  16. Revision | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  17. Examination Expertise | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  18. Studies Cross-Examination | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  19. Your Best Teacher | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |


Taking The Next Step – A Guide To Further & Higher Education

This booklet brings together information from the NFQ, the points system, the CAO, HEAR, DARE and the NUI. It also covers the area of PLC courses and other non-CAO options. It is designed for use by parents of 6th year students.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Transition From Primary School to Secondary School

This booklet examines the experiences of students moving from primary school to secondary school. It provides parents with tips and insights to help them assist their child both emotionally and practically with this transition.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …


Choice Theory Psychology Books

Announcing a brand new series about Choice Theory psychology. Seven short books are now available on a range of popular topics. The books are intended for the general public though the contents will also be of special interest to counsellors and other support services.

Click here to read full details …

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters

This is a 12 page booklet dealing with all aspects of CV and Cover letter preparation. An excellent aid in the classroom or for the student working on their own.

  • Useful Websites
  • Example C.V. 1.
  • Example C.V. 2.
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 1
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 2
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 3
  • Emailing Cover Letters
  • Final Things to Remember

Click here to download the booklet …

Study Skills for Passionate Learners

As a contribution in the present crisis, Brian Lennon has put together a booklet (70 pages) on Study Skills.  It’s called “STUDY by CHOICE” and is intended for students from secondary level upwards.  It is published on Amazon both as a paperback and as a Kindle e-book. The book is free for one week.  It is available here …

To accompany the book a set of presentation slides are available below for classroom use.

Download Teachers Notes here …

  1. Don’t even think about studying! | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  2. Your learning for life story | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  3. The Five-Second Study Skills Course | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  4. If you haven’t got the ball, you can’t score a goal | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  5. Instant Coffee | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  6. Spinning your web | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  7. How do you know you know? | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  8. Remembering not to forget | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  9. LAST but not least | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  10. The Secret Power of Your Memory | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  11. Your Study Den | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  12. Homework and Study | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  13. Holy Notes | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  14. Learning With Style | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  15. Study Time Management | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  16. Revision | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  17. Examination Expertise | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  18. Studies Cross-Examination | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  19. Your Best Teacher | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |


Junior Cert

Getting The Best Out of School

Getting The Best Out of School – Getting the Best Out of Me – A Student Study Guide

For J.C. Guidance Well-Being

This is a new Study Skills Manual for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Year students that can be used as a study skills module for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Students PDF Document …

Click here to download Students Word Document …

Click here to download Parents PDF Document …

Click here to download Parents Word Document …

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual for J.C. Guidance/Well-Being

This booklet examines different categories of work and the jobs within these categories. There are two booklets, a student workbook and a teachers’ version. It is designed to be used as a vocational guidance resource for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Student PDF document …

Click here to download Student Word documen …

Click here to download Teachers PDF document …

Click here to download Teachers Word document …

Senior Cycle

After the Leaving Results - What Now?

Where to after the results?

This booklet has been produced by Brain Wall and covers all the issues around the publication of the Leaving Cert results.
This is a list of the topics covered.

1. Account Numbers & Passwords
2. How Do I Get My Results?
3. How Will I React?
4. How Do I Calculate My Points?
5. Subject/s Studied Outside School Not Counted For Points
6. How Are The Offers & Points Decided?
7. Round Two
8. How Do I Receive and Accept An Offer?
9. I Have The Points But Did Not Get An Offer
10. What Is Random Selection?
11. I Have Accepted My C.A.O. Offer, What Happens Now?
12. Appealing Calculated Grades/s
13. Sitting the Leaving Certificate Exam November 2020
14. What Happens If I Drop Out Of College?
15. If I Start A Course, Can I Transfer?
16. I Want To Defer My Offer
17. What Are My Options If I Have No Offer?
17.1 Available/Vacant Places
17.2 Private Colleges
17.3 Trade/Apprenticeships
17.4 Teagasc
17.5 BIM
17.6 The Defence Forces
17.7 An Garda Síochána & Emergency Services
17.8 Post Leaving Certificate Courses (P.L.C.s)
17.9 Repeating The Leaving Certificate
17.10 Going Straight Into The World Of Work
18. College Orientation Day
Important Dates

Click here to download booklet …

Choice Theory Psychology Guide to Stress

A fresh approach to stress focusing on what you can do for yourself to manage this condition.

The author views stress as a clear signal that things are not going well in a person’s life. Consequently the emphasis is on heeding the signal and investigating the possible causes of the stress, instead of simply addressing the symptoms.

Click here for more information …

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters

This is a 12 page booklet dealing with all aspects of CV and Cover letter preparation. An excellent aid in the classroom or for the student working on their own.

  • Useful Websites
  • Example C.V. 1.
  • Example C.V. 2.
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 1
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 2
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 3
  • Emailing Cover Letters
  • Final Things to Remember

Click here to download the booklet …

Helping Your Teenagers Study

Helping Your Teenagers Study, A Guide For 5th & 6th Year Parents

This is the parents study guide and is designed for parents of students in  5th & 6th year.

Click here to download PDF Document  …

Click here to download Word Document …

Taking The Next Step – A Guide To Further & Higher Education

This booklet brings together information from the NFQ, the points system, the CAO, HEAR, DARE and the NUI. It also covers the area of PLC courses and other non-CAO options. It is designed for use by parents of 6th year students.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Transition Year

Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letters

This is a 12 page booklet dealing with all aspects of CV and Cover letter preparation. An excellent aid in the classroom or for the student working on their own.

  • Useful Websites
  • Example C.V. 1.
  • Example C.V. 2.
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 1
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 2
  • Sample Cover Letter No. 3
  • Emailing Cover Letters
  • Final Things to Remember

Click here to download the booklet …

First Leanings Toolkit

The First Leanings toolkit is designed to:

  • Help Transition Year students to develop an accurate understanding of their individual traits, interests, personality preferences, skills, personal values and motivations
  • Assist Transition Year students in learning about third-level education in a range of disciplinary areas and relevant employment market sectors
  • Encourage Transition Year students to align their career preferences with their choices in relation to Leaving Certificate subjects and subsequent third-level courses
  • Support Transition Year students in making informed decisions around their course and career options
  • Allow Transition Year students to make choices that are congruent with their profile and preferences and the world of work
  • Guide Transition Year students in preparation for relevant work experience and the reality of the world of work

Click here for more information …

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects

Selecting Leaving Certificate Subjects & Beyond – A Guide For 4th year Parents

This booklet deals with what should be considered when selecting Leaving  Cert subjects. The issues of minimum requirements and the points system are explained. It also deals with the issue of the ‘easy’ subjects, the ‘Wimbledon’ effect, and overlap in subject content, and teacher driven selection. It also discusses checking previous exam papers, listening carefully to what others might say about their experiences, and the process of making choices. It is designed for use by parents of teenagers in 4th year who are selecting their Leaving Certificate subjects.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …


Getting The Best Out of School

Getting The Best Out of School – Getting the Best Out of Me – A Student Study Guide

For J.C. Guidance Well-Being

This is a new Study Skills Manual for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Year students that can be used as a study skills module for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Students PDF Document …

Click here to download Students Word Document …

Click here to download Parents PDF Document …

Click here to download Parents Word Document …

Helping Your Teenagers Study

Helping Your Teenagers Study, A Guide For 5th & 6th Year Parents

This is the parents study guide and is designed for parents of students in  5th & 6th year.

Click here to download PDF Document  …

Click here to download Word Document …

Study Skills for Passionate Learners

As a contribution in the present crisis, Brian Lennon has put together a booklet (70 pages) on Study Skills.  It’s called “STUDY by CHOICE” and is intended for students from secondary level upwards.  It is published on Amazon both as a paperback and as a Kindle e-book. The book is free for one week.  It is available here …

To accompany the book a set of presentation slides are available below for classroom use.

Download Teachers Notes here …

  1. Don’t even think about studying! | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  2. Your learning for life story | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  3. The Five-Second Study Skills Course | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  4. If you haven’t got the ball, you can’t score a goal | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  5. Instant Coffee | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  6. Spinning your web | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  7. How do you know you know? | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  8. Remembering not to forget | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  9. LAST but not least | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  10. The Secret Power of Your Memory | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  11. Your Study Den | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  12. Homework and Study | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  13. Holy Notes | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  14. Learning With Style | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  15. Study Time Management | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  16. Revision | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  17. Examination Expertise | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  18. Studies Cross-Examination | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |
  19. Your Best Teacher | Download Apple Keynote | Download Microsoft PowerPoint |


Well Being

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Sharing Experiences and Suggestions Around Alcohol & Substance Abuse                

A Collaborative Guide For Parents

This booklet addresses the issue of alcohol misuse. It encourages parents to use both the strength of their relationship with their teen and boundaries to help delay drinking for as long as possible. This 5th edition has a new important aspect added. It deals with why teenagers drink and how these reasons can help drive parent’s response to the issue and gives new insights into the issues of self-esteem.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

Getting The Best Out of School

Getting The Best Out of School – Getting the Best Out of Me – A Student Study Guide

For J.C. Guidance Well-Being

This is a new Study Skills Manual for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Year students that can be used as a study skills module for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Students PDF Document …

Click here to download Students Word Document …

Click here to download Parents PDF Document …

Click here to download Parents Word Document …

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual

The World of Work – Student & Teacher Manual for J.C. Guidance/Well-Being

This booklet examines different categories of work and the jobs within these categories. There are two booklets, a student workbook and a teachers’ version. It is designed to be used as a vocational guidance resource for the Guidance component for Junior Cycle Well-Being.

Click here to download Student PDF document …

Click here to download Student Word documen …

Click here to download Teachers PDF document …

Click here to download Teachers Word document …

Transition From Primary School to Secondary School

This booklet examines the experiences of students moving from primary school to secondary school. It provides parents with tips and insights to help them assist their child both emotionally and practically with this transition.

Click here to download PDF Document …

Click here to download Word Document …

What Puts Us In Good Form – What Puts Us In Bad Form

Where you at this workshop at the annual conference in D.C.U. or in Donegal, or at the Dublin South/Wicklow branch in-service and received a teacher manual and student workbook designed for the Guidance competent of the Junior Cycle Well-Being?

If so, please email me at [email protected]  and I will send you a considerably updated version of the student and teacher manual. This resource is only of use to those you attended the workshops.

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