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First year Civil Engineering student presented with CABE award

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ATUFirst year Civil Engineering student presented with CABE award

Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) presents award
to outstanding ATU Civil Engineering student Ellen Ward for her top grades in first year

A Galway student who achieved grades of over 80% in her first year of studies on the Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering in Atlantic Technological University (ATU) has won a top award and bursary from the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE). Ellen Ward from Creggs, Co Galway, was presented with the CABE Southern Ireland Region student bursary and certificate award by CABE board member and chair of CABE Southern Ireland Region David Courtney at ATU’s Galway campus this week (Tues 6 Dec 2022).

Civil Engineering student Ellen won the accolade for her outstanding academic achievement during her first year of study in ATU (Galway). She obtained a grade average of over 80%, being the highest obtained in the Department of Building and Civil Engineering at ATU (Galway) in first year.

Ellen has construction and civil engineering in her blood as her family runs the well-known construction and civil engineering business Ward and Burke who undertake major projects in Ireland, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. Ellen was delighted to receive the CABE award and is now eagerly looking forward to commencing her industrial placement in January 2023.

David Courtney congratulated Ellen and complimented her on the award noting the commitment she had obviously put into her studies and wished her well on her industrial placement and future career.
Lecturer Malcolm Hosty said that Ellen had put exceptional effort and dedication into her studies and achieved remarkable results and thoroughly deserved the recognition that the CABE award brings.

During 2022, ATU (Galway) Department of Building and Civil Engineering underwent a detailed accreditation process with CABE and now has 12 fully accredited programmes and awards with CABE including Construction Management, Architectural Technology, Civil Engineering and Quantity Surveying and Building Economics all at both ordinary and honours degree level. Additionally, the MSc in Built Environment Regulation, Diploma and Certificate in Built Environment Regulation and Certificate in Fire Safety are all also fully accredited by CABE.
For details see: here ...

ATU first year Ellen Ward

L to R: Dr Martin Taggart, ATU Galway city campus lecturer and CABE Academic Partnership Coordinator, David Courtney, CABE Board Member and Chair Chartered Association of Building Engineers, Southern Ireland Region, Ellen Ward, Civil Engineering student and CABE award recipient, ATU Galway, Dr Shane Newell, ATU Galway Civil Engineering lecturer, Malcolm Hosty, ATU Galway Civil Engineering lecturer. [Photo: Wayne Gibbon, ATU lecturer]


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