Exam Accommodations at Second Level - Reasonable accommodations, previously termed special arrangements, can be made available to students with dyslexia when sitting State examinations. Arrangements may include the provision of a reader, use of a word processor, use of a tape recorder or scribe, or a spelling and grammar waiver. The accommodations are intended to limit the impact of the candidate’s disability on their exam performance, while not giving the candidate any unfair advantage.
Applications for reasonable accommodations are generally made by the School Principal approx. 12 months before the exams are due to take place. External candidates should apply directly to the S.E.C. Applications must be on the official application form which is available from schools/education providers or directly from the S.E.C.
Students generally need to have literacy attainments at Standard Score 85 (Percentile 16) or lower to be considered for reasonable accommodations.