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Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment, funding  

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Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment, funding   Education and Skills

Schools are best placed to determine how best to utilise this funding to provide for ICT infrastructure for their school context. The funding can be used for relevant hardware, learning platforms and software, as determined by the school and in accordance with the school’s Digital Learning Plan. There is no “list” of software, nor do schools apply for funding. It should however be noted that schools are required to use established public procurement arrangements and be compliant with Circular: 13/2014 Management of and Accountability for Grants from Exchequer Funds.

Full details regarding the funding, including guidance on the equipment and infrastructure that may be purchased, are set out in Circulars 0031/2020 (€40m funding) and 0032/2020 (€10m funding) which are available on the Department’s website at

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