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DkIT Students Present Research at World Conference of Special Needs

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DkIT Students Present Research at World Conference of Special Needs

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) are extremely proud to report that students, Gracie Chaudhary, Sanidya Pandey, and Mariela Machuca Palermos recently attended the World Conference on Special Needs Education in St Mary's College Oxford. The DkIT students, all from the Department of Visual and Human Centred Computing submitted a paper to this prestigious conference and were selected to present their work.

The research the DkIT students are conducting is part of the N-TUTORR project and these Students are partners in the Innovation Fellowship Programme, under the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity category. The N-TUTORR project is a national initiative with a mission to transform learning and teaching. These undergraduate students, along with their team lead Dr Martin Mc Hugh, are exploring the current assessment methods used in first year computing modules to determine if they are inclusive and will hopefully make recommendations to lecturing staff in the School of Informatics and Creative Arts as to how their assessments can be modified to make them more inclusive to reflect the changing needs of the student population.

Due to the fantastic presentation by the DkIT students at this event, the team have now been invited to submit an extended version of the paper they presented to a special edition of the International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education.

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