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DCU Students Scoop Three Outstanding Achievement Awards as Climate Ambassadors

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DCU Students Scoop Three Outstanding Achievement Awards as Climate Ambassadorsdcu

In 2022, Climate Ambassadors completed 661 climate actions, directly engaging over 274,000 people, creating 2,671 climate communications, and reaching an estimated 5.6 million people!

The Climate Ambassador Awards were held on Friday, November 18th, serving to recognise the tremendous effort and dedication demonstrated throughout the year. Each Climate Ambassador received a certificate of recognition, with an additional twelve awards presented to teams and individuals from swap shops and flash mobs, to musicians and artists, sports stars, farmers, social entrepreneurs, community activists, businesses and universities.

27 DCU students were trained by the Climate Ambassador Programme in 2022. Twelve awards for outstanding achievement were presented to selected Climate Ambassadors based on the exemplary work they have carried out during the year. This year, three of the recipients are DCU students.

Cliona Kelliher

Cliona recently completed a Master's on Climate Change in DCU, frequently writes magazine articles on sustainable living and has organised a biodiversity walk and survey in Kilcullen. She volunteers with Irish Peatland Conservation in Lullymore and takes part in the National Spring Clean. Cliona has given climate change presentations to TY students, which included making a biodiversity video and hosting climate conservations. She also co-organised the Kildare Climate Action Weekend.

Sinead Corbally

Sinead recently completed a Master's in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering with a Major in Sustainable Systems and Energy. She has taken initiative in her workplace through a number of exciting energy projects. With the rise of energy costs, she focused on a solar project, a water saving initiative and an energy project reducing GHG emissions. She is an inspiring example of what hard work and determination can achieve. With a background in activism and a new position as Energy and Sustainability Manager, we cannot wait to see what she has planned for the future. 

Rebecca Labour

Rebecca recently completed a Bachelor in Civil Law in DCU and is a volunteer and young facilitator focused on youth for climate justice. She is active in Voluntary Service International, and closer to home volunteers with the Irish Cancer Society. Rebecca initiated the Sustainability Half Price Sale in the charity shop where she works, creating signs out of unusable polyester and cotton t-shirts and educating the charity shoppers on the most sustainable materials such as organic cotton, linen, hemp, recycled wool and leather. More recently, Rebecca co-hosted a 3-day youth for climate justice project, transitioning from a participant this time last year, to a climate leader now. 

DCU flies the Green Campus Flag 

DCU has been involved in An Taisce’s Green Campus programme since 2012 and throughout this time has continued to implement the Green Campus programme to an exceptionally high standard thereby actively contributing to the overall development of the programme in Ireland and internationally. The campus has consistently built on its earlier achievements and strives for best practice in sustainability across its network of sites and disciplines. DCU’s Green Campus programme links into the overarching Sustainability Plan for the University and the college’s progress and achievements have been recognized through its score and rankings in various international rankings and metrics systems for sustainability.  

Climate Ambassadors

191 citizens from a wide range of backgrounds including primary school teachers, secondary school students and teachers, university students, academics, farmers and businesspeople were all chosen to be Climate Ambassadors in 2022. The programme, which has been in operation since 2018, has become stronger over time as Climate Ambassadors have acquired crucial skills and confidence to take action, motivating others to follow in their footsteps along the way.

Climate Ambassadors receive training at the start of the year in climate science, solutions and communications which enables them to carry out climate actions. Throughout the year they are asked to undertake four key actions – two climate communications and two climate actions, though many participants get involved in many more projects. This programme allows individuals to join a strong network of dedicated people who share knowledge, gain insight from one another, and forge long lasting relationships.

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