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Coillte Nature - Autumn Update

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Coillte Nature - Autumn Updatecoillte


There are 9 species of bat in Ireland and 8 of these can be found in and around the Dublin Mountains. We went on an evening walk looking for them with bat expert Enda Mullen of NPWS. Watch this video to get a sneak peek...
Biodiversity was a hot topic at this year's Climate Finance Week. Coillte Nature Director Ciarán Fallon joined the lively panel discussion 'Financing Nature-based Solutions in Ireland' to talk about the Nature Trust. You can watch it back here.
It's the time of year when we see fungi of many shapes and colours popping up around our woodlands. We went out to the woods with Rhizocore Technologies to find out more about the fascinating underground connections between trees and fungi, and how this helps our woodlands to thrive.
Find out more about Rhizocore and the interesting work they are doing in our Coillte Nature more.
To make sure all our projects are a success on the ground we work with highly skilled Coillte staff and contractors. This season we talk to award-winning forester Ross Buchanan of Inish Forestry, who has been working on the biodiversity restoration works programme at Hazelwood.
Ross tells us about continuous cover forestry management and why he thinks Hazelwood is such a valuable and unique more.
Following a period of surveying, planning and consultation, there will be 'pathfinder' walks held at each LIFE Insular project site during November to present project plans to local communities and special interest groups.
LIFE Insular is an EU funded project focused on the protection of valuable sand dune habitats, manged in Ireland collaboratively by Coillte Ireland and the NPWS. Learn more..
We have selected more Coillte Nature sites around the country for biodiversity restoration. These are spectacular sites with great potential for increasing their biodiversity value with targeted interventions. 
These new sites are in counties Leitrim, Kerry and Wicklow and include a range of habitats including old woodland, alluvial woodland and raised bog.
Watch this space!

Coillte Nature is the not-for-profit branch of Coillte. We are building on 30 years’ experience in forestry, land management and habitat restoration to deliver real impact on the climate and biodiversity crises through innovative projects-of-scale across four strategic themes:  

  1. Afforesting our landscapes by planting new native woodlands on un-forested land 
  2. Restoring important biodiversity areas by investing in major habitat improvements 
  3. Regenerating urban forests for the benefit of people and nature 
  4. Rehabilitating ecosystem services by bringing sensitive or degraded lands into better health 

Learn more about our projects...
Copyright © 2022 Coillte Nature, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Coillte Nature
Dublin Road
Wicklow, Wicklow A63 DN25

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