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CareersNet network for lifelong guidance and career development

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CareersNet network for lifelong guidance and career development

CareersNet (CNet) is Cedefop’s network of independent experts in lifelong career guidance and career development, managed within the Lifelong guidance project area, Department for learning and employability. The members of CareersNet are individuals with recognised expertise in the area of lifelong guidance and career development. They are selected based on a call for experts, subject to an evaluation process and are nominated by Cedefop’s management.

The network was created to collect comparable and reliable information on a European scale in the field of lifelong guidance and career development. The gathered information and analysis aim at identification of evidence gaps and solutions, beyond a snapshot of national guidance systems, providing access to harmonised, comparable evidence, based on transparent criteria:

  • providing access to detailed information on relevant practices and promoting their transfer and adaptation;
  • informing design and implementation of Cedefop guidance resources and tools;
  • facilitating cross-national comparative analysis of national guidance systems and initiatives;
  • supporting countries in national policy development.

CareersNet is primarily a research-based policy forum, which aims to generate new knowledge while offering members opportunities for peer learning and collegial exchange. The network also responds to Cedefop’s need to have access to stable contact points for providing insights on national developments and the national relevance of EU initiatives, independently of changes in national or European policy.

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