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Apprenticeship in the Motor Industry

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An apprentice is a person who works for an employer in their chosen occupation and gains the necessary skills, knowledge and competencies to become a qualified craftsperson. An individual can training to become an apprentice in one of the following occupations: The Craft of Motor Mechanics Heavy Vehicle Mechanic Vehicle Body Repairs Agricultural Mechanic The duration of an apprenticeship is a minimum of 4 years.

The apprenticeship system is a modular standards-based system comprising of 7 alternating phases of training and development four on-the-job and three off-the-job in a recognised Training Centre and Educational College. To make application first contact your local ETB or SOLAS Training centre who can confirm if you meet the entry requirements for your chosen apprenticeship.

When your application has been approved you must seek a suitable employers who will agree to take you on as an apprentice for the duration of the apprenticeship. The apprentice will then be registered with SOLAS, who will provide you with details of the Training Release programme and the projected completion date for achieving National Craft Certificate Standard.


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