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About Careers and Education News

Careers and Education News is the news channel for everyone involved in Career Guidance and Education. The site carries the latest news items that relate to the area of career selection and an  extensive library of material is available for use by Guidance Counsellors or Students.

The goal of the site is to connect teachers, administrators, students, and just about everyone else with the best technology, educational thinking and industry news available.

The site features a regular flow of tools, tips, resources, visuals from lots of authors around the world.

Careers News exists and flourishes because there is a need to enable resource discovery among educators and students in Ireland.

News items are posted on the site as they become available and an email listing the latest items is sent regularly to those who are on the mailing list.

If you wish to be on the mailing list, Click here ...

This site is managed by Tom Farrell as a service to the Guidance and Education communities  in Ireland and is supported by these Sponsors.

Careers News is a registered business
Reg No 452867

Phone 059 914 6436

Mobile 086 805 3907

Tom Farrell

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