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IQAVET hosted at Quality and Qualifications Ireland

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IQAVET - Putting the ‘Irish’ into EQAVET!Quality and Qualifications Ireland


IQAVET, hosted at Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is Ireland’s National Reference Point (NRP) for the EQAVET (European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training) Network.  EQAVET is a community of practice, bringing together Member States, Social Partners, VET Providers and the European Commission to promote European collaboration in developing and improving the quality assurance of VET, by using the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework.

The NRPs were established as part of an EQAVET Recommendation for national bodies to provide a central role in supporting the VET quality assurance arrangements within their own systems.

In 2016, following a successful application for Erasmus+ funding, the IQAVET Network hosted three seminars attended by QA policy makers and practitioners working across further education and training provision nationally.  Seminar topics were chosen by the IQAVET steering group, supporting systematic continuous improvement and focussed on the use of data in evidencing quality, self-evaluation and governance.  Inspiring case studies were shared by national practitioners and international speakers contributed their learning and insights with regards to the use of EQAVET indicators, building blocks and tool kits.

For further information, please see the following webpage:

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