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STE(A)M education in Early Childhood Education and Care

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STE(A)M education in Early Childhood Education and Care

Dublin City University is working with partners across Europe on a project which aims to provide quality STE(A)M education in Early Childhood Education and Care settings and primary schools using a play-based hands-on learning approach in the outdoors. 


The OUTSTE(A)M project (here ...) has developed a toolkit to enable educators and teachers to support STE(A)M learning in their classroom and includes:

Learning scenarios 
STE(A)M job profiles to inspire children
Games and toys

We are seeking input from educators and teachers working with this age group (2-9 years) to ensure the materials are useful, logical and fit for purpose.

(See detailed information sheet here)


If you wish to contribute, please review the toolkit and complete an anonymous online questionnaire:

Click here ...

If you have any questions about the OUTSTE(A)M project or this evaluation, please contact the DCU lead Dr Sandra O'Neill SFHEA: [email protected]


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