Interested in a legal career? Spaces are limited! Secure your place by booking through the links below:
Members are invited to join us for an insightful session with Remy Farrell SC, who will be speaking on “Legal Privilege: A Practical Guide for In–House Counsel.” When: Thursday 3 April 2025, 5pm Upper Lecture Theatre – King’s Inns This presentation will provide valuable guidance on navigating the complexities of legal privilege, tailored specifically for in–house legal teams. Topics that will be covered: Safeguarding your company’s legal advice Any queries on the event – please contact [email protected] LSDSI The 195th Auditor of the LSDSI delivered her Inaugural Address at King's Inns Congratulations to Estelle Casadesús, student on the Barrister–at–Law Degree course (Modular 2) and the 195th Auditor of the Law Debating Society of Ireland (LSDSI), on her Inaugural Address at King’s Inns. Estelle delivered a highly engaging and thought-provoking presentation on the topic, “The Young Offenders: Sentencing Options for Children Convicted of Serious Offences.”
Members Recent Pre-Dining Talks for King's Inns Members King's Inns regularly hosts pre-dining talks and other exciting activities for our members. Some of our recent events were:
Stay tuned to our website and social media for updates on upcoming events—you won’t want to miss out!
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LSDSI Rugby match: The Annual Diarmuid O’Donovan Cup took place on 7 February A thrilling night at Grangegorman as the Kings Inns took on The Bar of Ireland in an unforgettable match! After an intense battle, The Bar of Ireland secured the win with a final score of 35-19 Huge thanks to our LSDSI Sports Officers, Niamh Osborne (Mod 2) and Jonathon Boylan (Mod 1), for organizing the Kings Inns team! And a special shoutout to The Bar of Ireland captain Jack Fenton BL for arranging the match and the post-game refreshments.
LSDSI LSDSI Student Ball On 1 February, the students of King's Inns gathered for an unforgettable evening at the King's Inns Dining Hall! The 2025 student ball, organised by the LSDSI committee, was a night full of laughter, music, and memories. The Student Ball is part of the LSDSI calendar of events.
Read more about the LSDSI activities here >
Mooting & Debating The Eoin Higgins Memorial Moot took place on 4 February in Belfast The Eoin Higgins Memorial Moot took place in Belfast this year, hosted by the Institute of Professional Legal Studies at the Royal Courts of Justice. The King’s Inns team was coached by Méabh Smyth BL. The King’s Inns team was comprised of advocates Orlaith Cross and Beth Hamill and researchers Jonathan Murphy and Fionbarra O’Callaghan.
Mooting & Debating The Maidens’ Moot Final Competition took place on 21 February at King’s Inns The Maidens’ Mooting competition is aimed at students with very little prior mooting experience. The finalists this year were two students from the full–time degree course, Beatrice Campbell and Emily Cahill, who faced rigorous questioning by a distinguished judging panel comprised of three judges of the High Court: Mr Justice Michael Quinn, Ms Justice Siobhán Phelan, and Mr Justice Rory Mulcahy.
Mooting & Debating Helga Pedersen ECHR Moot Well done to the King’s Inns Helga Pedersen (ECHR) moot team, who travelled to Prague with coaches Gary Moloney BL and Morgane Conaty BL to compete in the regional rounds earlier this month. This is the second year during which King’s Inns has entered a team into the ECHR moot and we are hopeful that the team will make it through to the final round, which takes place in Strasbourg this summer. The team was comprised of Sarah McDonnell, Klaudia Knyzewska, Pádraig Ó Beoláin and Krizia Testa.
Education King’s Inns fielded two teams in the National Negotiation Competition 2025 This competition requires students to work in pairs to negotiate on behalf of fictitious clients in a range of different scenarios. King’s Inns fielded two teams in the National Negotiation Competition on Saturday 22nd February: Sarah Jones and Kane Kavanagh–Baer, and Peter McMahon and Eimear McHugh.
Education Bonn an Phiarsaigh - Gael Linn Bhí ard-oíche againn idir Dhinnéar Bliantúil na Gaeilge in Óstaí an Rí agus Dhíospóireacht Bhonn an Phiarsaigh - Gael Linn a reáchtáladh roimh ré. Comhghairdeas leis na hiomaitheoirí a ghlac páirt ann: Conor Ó Caodháin, Cárthach Ó Faoláin agus Liam de Barra agus féith an ghrinn go láidir mar ghné lárnach den chaint. Is é Conor a thug an chraobh leis. Buíochas leis na moltóirí, Elizabeth-Ann Kirwan BL agus Seán Ó hUallacháin SC.
Book Club The Third King's Inns Book Club meeting will be held on 3 March Join us for the 3rd King's Inns Book Club meeting of the academic year! We’ll be diving into ''From Hollywood to Hollywood: My Life as an International Libel Lawyer to the Rich and Famous'' by Paul Tweed.
Our Book Club meetings are open to all King’s Inns students, alumni and the wider King’s Inns community. All meetings are hosted online, via Zoom.
Don’t miss out—sign up now & be part of the conversation >
Students - please use your own personal email address here as school emails block external messages.