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Post-Primary Languages Ireland Updates

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Post-Primary Languages Ireland Updates

Welcome to the Post-Primary Languages Ireland Newsletter. We are here to support you with innovative, informative, and useful resources, news, and ideas. We would also like to wish you a wonderful start for the new school year!

Registration for #ThinkLanguages Week 2024 is now open! Events will take place in schools nationwide from 18-22 November in an exciting TY festival of languages and cultures. Information sessions will take place online on Tuesday 17 and Thursday 19 September. Read More>>
Over 650 primary schools will take part in Term 1 of the 'Say Yes to Languages' module this year! Welcome packs full of resources to help engage pupils and raise awareness will be sent to schools in September. Information and training sessions to discuss teaching resources and other practical aspects will take place over the coming weeks. For more click here>>
Want to support your school to promote language uptake amongst prospective first-year students during your school's upcoming open night? Then join us for an online Community of Practice! Guidance counsellors and teachers are invited to attend. Various dates are available with limited spaces! Read More & Register>>
In celebration of Culture Night and the European Day of Languages, taster classes in 21 different languages will be held on Friday 20 September at Europe House and online on Thursday 26 September. Languages Connect have teamed up once again with our partners in the European Commission to offer these 20-minute classes - with something for everyone! Read More>>
2024 was the sixth year of heritage and lesser-taught language summer camps funded by Languages Connect. Polish, Romanian, Lithuanian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Italian were some of the camp languages over the years. We had another successful year of inspiring and supporting students through a combination of fun, creativity, and learning! Read More>>
We would like to wish Michele Kelly the very best in her retirement. After 17 years here, it is hard to imagine PPLI without her! Her work ethic, exemplary teamwork and many contributions across a wide range of projects have set the bar for all those following in her footsteps. May this be the start of a new and exciting chapter for you Michele! Grazie Mille! As Michele leaves, we welcome new staff on board. Meet the team here>>
Má tá scoláirí ag smaoineamh ar staidéar a dhéanamh ar theanga iasachta don Ardteistiméireacht, b’fhiú dóibh féachaint ar an bpóstaer atá forbartha againn. Tugann an póstaer gach eolas faoi na teangacha curaclaim, agus neamhchuraclaim, nach mbíonn ach measúnú scríofa agus léamhthuisceana iontu, mar aon le hÚcráinis, a bheidh faoi scrúdú in 2025. Tuilleadh anseo>>

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Post Primary Languages Ireland
3rd Floor, The Grainstore
Roe Lane (off Thomas Street)

The Digital Hub, Dublin 8 D08 TCV4


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