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Students views on Plans for a Mobile Phone Blanket Ban

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Students views on Plans for a Mobile Phone Blanket Ban

The Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) cannot support the proposed plans of a blanket-approach phone ban across second-level schools in Ireland announced by Minister for Education, Norma Foley T.D.

A system where students would have their phones removed for the school day is one that the ISSU cannot support, as there are major logistical concerns surrounding it. Furthermore, the majority of schools already have strategies in place to combat extensive use of mobile phones.

Speaking today, Jack McGinn Uachtarán of the ISSU said;

“The proposal of a blanket phone ban in second-level schools is not feasible. It means adding another responsibility on the system to police phone usage. It could also mean schools having to accept responsibility for the safety of up to 1,000 mobile phones each day. No consultation has been made with relevant stakeholders regarding this. Mobile phones are often used during the school day for educational reasons too, with Junior Cycle CBAs and Leaving Certificate projects in subjects’ requiring use of the internet. The Department of Education should focus on expanding the IT Support Grant to enable schools to purchase more IT facilities for students.”

An t-Oifigeach Oideachais/Education Officer of the ISSU, Emma Cox, stated;

“This decision has not been made in consultation from expert groups, including feedback from the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union, as there are valid concerns raised that are not being addressed by a blanket ban. The ISSU are in the process of arranging a consultation with Minister Foley to discuss this proposal regarding smartphones in second-level schools.” 

There was a lack of engagement with second-level students. Education policies should be student-centric, yet students were not consulted on this matter. The ISSU stands ready to work collaboratively to find a solution that balances the needs of all stakeholders, students included, while ensuring the safety and educational progress of students.

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