Recognition of Prior Learning- Making it Work for Your Employees
In the ‘war for talent’, RPL is a solution which can help employers to address skill mismatches or shortages. It can also have other positive impacts, such as employee retention, contributing to career progression, whilst boosting knowledge, expertise, and staff motivation.
RPL recognises that learning is not just limited to lecture halls and labs, but takes many forms including the ‘on-the-job’ learning gained through the world of work.
By recognising the skills, knowledge and experience that an employee has learned in the workplace, RPL can help to meet existing and emerging skills needs at a faster pace by avoiding duplication of learning.
What is RPL?
Recognition of Prior Learning acknowledges the skills, knowledge, and competencies employees have gained outside formal education settings—be it through work experience, volunteering, online courses, or life experiences. By evaluating and crediting these informal and non-formal learning achievements, RPL facilitates a more efficient and personalised learning journey, eliminating unnecessary repetition and accelerating career development.
Watch this short explainer video to learn more about RPL for Entry.
Enterprises cite time limitations as one of the primary reasons for not providing training to employees. By recognising the skills, knowledge, and expertise that an employee has learned in the workplace, RPL can help to meet existing and emerging skills needs at a faster pace by avoiding duplication of learning.
RPL can be used for the purpose of upskilling, reskilling, and up-qualifying staff in response to changing business needs and ensuring they have the necessary skills and competencies for promotion and career progression.
RPL for Business is when higher education institutions and enterprise come together in partnership to:
1. Give value to informal and non-formal workplace learning in the context of the national framework of qualifications (NFQ)
2. Utilise ‘invisible’ learning as a bridge to a new learning opportunity. This could be in the form of
• Module exemptions
• Advanced entry to courses
• Entry to courses
3. Upskill/reskill cohorts of workers in line with their needs and the needs of the organisation.
RPL can be a valuable tool for employers to develop the skills and knowledge of their workforce, improve productivity and performance, and attract and retain talent. By recognising and valuing the prior learning of employees, employers can also demonstrate their commitment to investing in their workforce and promoting a culture of continuous learning and development.
Examples of RPL for Enterprise
A number of our partner institutes have long established traditions of working closely with employers to address future skills needs and current employment skills gaps. RPL is a mechanism that can be used to support such collaborations.
RPL has been used by many different types of companies across a range of sectors including healthcare, pharmaceutical, agri-food, green, medical technology and aviation.
Read about some RPL for Enterprise success stories here.
or watch some impactful stories of RPL working for business here.
Benefits for Employers
RPL is a driver for workforce development. As well as supporting individuals’ career development, it can be a useful tool to address economic and societal challenges relating to the green transition, digitalisation, automation, and the skills mismatch. It can facilitate accelerated learning and upskilling and reskilling opportunities to meet workforce needs at local, regional, and national levels.
RPL may help to reduce the amount of time and cost associated with acquiring a qualification or credential and supports staff development within organisations by increasing staff motivation to undertake appropriate education or training.
Next Steps
Take the first steps in bringing your employees closer to gaining essential new skills to drive your business forward.
The National Recognition of Prior Learning Project has partnered with 14 higher education institutes across Ireland comprising of Technological Universities, Universities and Institutes of Technology.
Depending on the institute, there may be the potential to co-design tailored modules or training programmes that meet your requirements. Groups of employees can also participate as a ‘cohorts’ or groups in a specific programme.
Visit the Prior Learning website to learn more. A list of our partner institutes here.