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Languages in Schools

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Languages in Schools


Welcome back to school from the team at PPLI. We have been busy all summer preparing for our biggest and most exciting year ever!
1,200 primary schools will take part in our Say Yes to Languages Module this year, our Languages Connect Summit will bring together language teachers and stakeholders in October, and our annual #ThinkLanguages event has expanded to a week-long festival in November. Our Leaving Cert Saturday Classes kick off this week too and we have lots of interesting info sessions and events happening right across September.
The Languages Connect Summit will bring together inspiring speakers, a wide range of interactive workshops and a host of exciting exhibitors at the Convention Centre Dublin on Saturday 14 October. Language teachers will have the opportunity to collaborate, celebrate and be inspired at this unmissable event. Registration is open now and spaces are filling fast! The full programme and registration are available here>>
Our Annual Report 2022 is now available, detailing the progress on many actions from Languages Connect – Ireland’s Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017-2026, including the Say Yes to Languages primary module, various in-person events, language provision in schools, Saturday classes, and Teaching & Learning resources. Read More>>
PPLI is recruiting MFL teachers to work part-time in the capacity of PPLI Associate. We are looking for teachers available in Carlow, Kilkenny, Roscommon, Tipperary, Wexford, and Wicklow. Join a team of passionate language enthusiasts who work to promote, enhance, and diversify language provision in Ireland. Deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 8 September. Application form available here>>
As preparations for open days/evenings commence in schools around the country, come join us for a Community of Practice dedicated to supporting you in promoting language uptake within your school amongst prospective incoming first year students! Full details and registration available here>>
We are hosting Advance Support sessions in September for teachers who will soon host a foreign language assistant in their school. Learn more about teaching and learning supports available over the coming year to assist you and your FLA in your collaborative work together. These Advance Support sessions will be hosted online. Learn More>>
We have updated our Spanish and Italian ‘TY Beginners’ Modules’, designed to introduce a new language at beginner level to TY students, and developed a new French version due to popular demand (all adaptable for LCA/LCVP). Each module has a selection of tasks and includes topic overviews, task description, learning outcomes and photocopiable student resources. Read More>>
Le blianta anuas tá an t-ionad oibre tar éis athrú agus tá i bhfad níos mó teangacha le cloisteáil ann anois. Sa phaca gníomhaíochta seo, tá cleachtaí a dhíríonn aird an scoláire ar theangacha san ionad oibre. Cuirtear béim ar fheasacht teanga, ar fheasacht chultúir, ar chaidreamh le comhghleacaithe san ionad oibre agus go sóisialta tar éis na hoibre. Féach paca anois>>
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Post Primary Languages Ireland
Floor 5, The Liberty Insurance Building
Navan Road
Dublin 15, D15 YT2H

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