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DkIT ‘Focus on Feedback’ Publication

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DkIT ‘Focus on Feedback’ Publication

Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) recently launched a wonderful book which was created by their staff, students, and other local educational providers. The publication’s focus was on feedback, which is an integral part of all education, and this book investigates how feedback, and its quality can impact learning and ways of teaching. This talented group of authors came together and created a piece of literature that is a fantastic reflection of all that the Institute holds dear, which is their students and their educational journey.

The Focus on Feedback: ‘stories of what works and why’ publication was launched on Wednesday 22nd March at a ceremony in the de Chastelain Library on campus. The book was developed as part of the “Focus on Feedback” project, funded under the National Forum’s 2020 Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement 2020(SATLE) fund.

The event was opened by Dr Moira Maguire Head of Learning and Teaching in DkIT who was followed by DkIT President Diarmuid O’Callaghan who said “this is an extremely readable book that acknowledges why we are here, why we get up in the morning, it’s to make our students life better and to develop the best educational tools and ways of learning possible for them. I’d like to acknowledge all the contributors to this book, particularly the students, who have created a much-valued resource for us all”.

A key aim of the project was to create space for teachers and students to discuss feedback and share good practice - this book extends these conversations. Within, teachers and students describe feedback practices that have worked well and analyse them to explain why.  It includes examples and thoughtful discussions on a wide range of practices in a variety of contexts from a range of perspectives.

Sheila Flanagan Vice President for Academic Affairs & Registrar added, “there has been a long-standing body of work done on feedback within the Institute and this book adds to the already excellent base that existed. The creation of this publication established a safe space for staff and students to discuss feedback and their own journey. This was a student focused exercise, and we know the importance of listening to the student voice, it all starts and finishes with them. I’d also like to celebrate and acknowledge the contributors and the editors of this book with a special thanks to Dr Moira Maguire who relentlessly works on behalf of students and their educational needs on a daily basis”.

The book contains 22 pieces from 28 contributors, including current and former DkIT students and a range of educators from the region, which comprises of teachers from each of the schools in DkIT in addition to colleagues from the primary, secondary and adult education sectors.

A notable feature of the book is that it includes 15 pieces by educators who are current or former students on DkIT’s MA in Learning and Teaching (MALT) programme.  The range and quality of the initiative described in these pieces is a testament to the excellent work of the students and teachers on this programme.

The book is intended to be a useful resource for both educators and students.  It is available in the form of an open-access e-book in the De Chastelain Library’s Stór repository and can be accessed at


DkIT Book

The publication was edited by members of the Focus on Feedback project team led by Gerry Gallagher (Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching), Breda Brennan (School of Engineering), Aidan Garvey (Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching). 

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