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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Project Launched in DkIT

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Project Launched in DkIT

DkIT is delighted to introduce the Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education Project, funded by the Higher Education Authority(HEA) Ireland, sponsored by the Technological Higher Education Association (THEA) and the Irish Universities Association (IUA).

The national project team based in THEA works closely with co-sponsors the IUA, as well as 19 project leads, based in each partner Higher Education Institution. The goal of the project is to build on the collective work to date to make RPL an integral and vibrant part of higher education, one which offers lifelong learning opportunities to learners and enterprise.

Its purpose is to introduce the project to the sector at large and to familiarise the higher education audience with the benefits of RPL . An initial website has been developed at which will be further developed of the duration of the project.

As the project evolves, we will keep you informed as our focus will turn from raising awareness and understanding of RPL in HE generally and DkIT specifically, to actively promoting it to our learners and enterprise partners as an effective pathway to and through higher education.  Visit the DkIT project page for more information or contact Philip Scanlon ([email protected]) who is the Project Lead in DkIT, if you have any queries. #YourLearningCounts.

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