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The SciFest National Final 2021

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The SciFest National Final 2021SciFest

We hope you have had the chance to view the National Final website at, if not take some time to view the students’ projects here or even cast a vote on the SciFest STEM Outreach Award videos here. We guarantee, it will be time well spent!


Thankfully the wait is almost over. The Final officially starts  Friday 26 November, at 7:30pm with a series of talks, kicking off with a welcome address by Dr Niamh Shaw, Irish engineer, scientist, writer and performer. Talks will continue  Saturday, 27 November. For a full list of speakers and to view the programme, please click here.


The Awards Ceremony will commence Saturday 27 November at 4pm and can be viewed on the SciFest National Final website here or directly on YouTube here.

We hope you enjoy the experience and are amazed by the incredible innovation and talent on display!

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