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Bringing Active Learning into Online Education

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Bringing Active Learning into Online EducationLearnDash

Since the beginning of online education, many courses have been plagued by a misconception about how to successfully deliver an online course that has kept them from achieving the success they’re looking for—namely, that video is the only thing needed to run an effective course.

Video certainly has its place in online education, and the popularity of various YouTube channels is proof that many learners gain plenty of value from them. But a professional course can be so much more than video—and taking the time to develop content beyond video can lead to better outcomes for educators and learners alike.

Want to know how to take your course to the next level? Here’s a few tips on expanding your course beyond video, and how to use the video content you do have to the greatest effect.

What can your online course offer beyond video?

Online content is about more than information. A quality course should help learners process that information into knowledge that they can remember and use. A network of peers can also give them the support they need to achieve their goals beyond the course itself.

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