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Recognition of Prior Learning - SETU

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Recognition of Prior Learning - SETU

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means that you can get recognition for learning you have done in a work-based environment and from learning from life experiences to support your personal and career development.

Through RPL learners can show evidence of learning that has taken place prior to enrolment so that it is recognised and given value. A fundamental principle of RPL is that a learner should not be asked to relearn something they already know. With RPL, prior learning, once identified and valued, can count towards entry/admission, advanced entry, credit or exemptions from modules on a course.

RPL is a valuable process of reflection and consolidation of past experiences, enabling the identification of transferable skills and learning achieved that can then be used to pursue lifelong goals and ambitions. Learning can come from life, school, paid or unpaid work, short courses or learning at college.

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