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Career Guidance in The Public Employment Services  Worldwide 2025

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Career Guidance in The Public Employment Services  Worldwide 2025


 Report from the WAPES/ICCDPP Career Guidance Survey 2024


ICCDPP and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) undertook a joint survey of career guidance provision in public employment services worldwide in late 2024.


The survey examined public policies driving the provision of career guidance and their implementation through organisational programmes and priorities. It looked at main user groups of PES services and the career guidance activities provided to them, and then considered current trends and challenges in providing such services. It also noted how countries differed in organisation of PES at national, regional, and local levels. A 59% response rate was recorded.


This report merits reading by all concerned with skills development, other labour market policies, and transitions from education and training to the labour market. The last time such research was undertaken was 2006 and that research only concerned EU countries.

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