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Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland Books

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Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland Books

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We are incredibly excited to announce that, for the first time, you can now own and download BSBI Handbooks and other publications as PDF eBooks.

Searchable, portable, collectable, BSBI eBooks have been developed to make the most of the outstanding titles published through the Society over the past 40 years. Whether you are using them in the field, at work, or at home, we hope you will find these titles complement existing guides, support your recording and ID work, and increase your botanical knowledge.

With 23 Handbook titles, 7 additional titles, County Floras and more titles planned, you can expand your reading list with no risk to your shelf space and a lower carbon footprint!

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With best wishes,

The BSBI Publications Team

n.b. Unfortunately eBooks are only currently available for purchase in GBP.
We are exploring alternative options for offering them at set EUR prices as well.





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