As you prepare for a new academic year, we are sending you some information on the Careers Exhibition in the West, for your consideration.
Following the success of last year's Options West Careers Exhibition, we are delighted to announce two larger events this year. Exhibitors provide valuable information and attendees can meet in person with representatives from 3rd level institutions and make informed decisions about their future education paths.
Career Path Options Careers Exhibitions will be the largest Careers Exhibitions in the West of Ireland and are aimed at 2nd-level senior cycle students.
The Career Path Options Careers Exhibitions will allow students to meet with representatives from over 40 Further & Higher Level institutions other training providers, student support services and other relevant organisations.
Students will have the opportunity to engage with education representatives, attend Career Talks and gain valuable information to assist them in making more informed career decisions.
This event will be a great addition to your Guidance Programme.
Careers Talks:
Event Hubs:
Please visit for further details.
Student tickets cost 5 euro each, for group bookings, and can be delivered to schools or collected at the door on the day.
In addition, schools can be invoiced or students can pay individually at the door.
Group / School Bookings:
Places are limited, so early booking is advised to secure your school's place.
Booking Form:
Schools Booking Form Links
Your input is greatly welcomed and appreciated. Please let us know if there are other particular areas of interest to be included in the Careers Talks schedule, or any other additions we can include to make these events more beneficial to you and your students.
Your support and input are greatly welcomed and appreciated.
Kind Regards,