Irish Hospice Foundation is honoured to be hosting the second European Grief Conference, taking place November 11 – 13, 2024, in Dublin, Ireland.
Sharing knowledge, experience, and research is integral to understanding how bereavement unfolds for different people, helping us learn how we can be good friends, neighbours and professionals in support of those who are grieving. It helps us to shape how our health, social and political systems should consider bereavement across the life cycle, from early childhood through to older age and across our communities, planning for the psychological, social and financial impacts of loss. It also helps us shape our education and research agendas.
Irish Hospice Foundation and our colleagues at Bereavement Network Europe, the Danish National Centre for Grief, and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland commit to applying the learnings about grief coming out of the conference.
Visit the European Grief Conference website to register and for all conference details and updates.
Iris Murray
Bereavement Education & Training
01 679 3188
Direct Line 01 963 1136