New “Autom8” Scholarship open for expressions of interest
Engineering the South East Cluster / SETU are launching the Autom8 Scholarship for future students of SETU’s undergraduate Automation Engineering courses. This cluster initiative originated from our Automation sub-group and its objective is to get more second level students entering engineering and studying/staying in the region. The scholarship will be delivered in partnership with a number of top manufacturing and automation companies from the Southeast. It provides a genuine opportunity for lucky students to kickstart a career in automation and will help them get an early start with a fantastic employer close to home.
Join us for our Energy Independence workshop on Feb 12th
Join us for this Workshop where we will be joined by Energy professionals from across Europe. The main objective is to advise and help local industry to realize their potential in terms of working towards energy independence. On they day you will hear from local and international experts who will present case studies demonstrating how your company can work towards reducing dependency on energy suppliers and their volatile energy prices. Other topics covered will be the new €7,000 grid connection application fee for larger businesses, discussions on how to obtain grid connections/zero-export licenses and grid capacity affecting high-temperature heat pump installations.
This is a great opportunity to hear what others are doing in this space and should not be missed. Its a free event and you are guaranteed to have some takeaways that can be implemented in your own business.
The hugely successful” Careers in "Apprenticeship” event organised by KCETB will return to the Lyrath in Kilkenny on March 6th. Engineering the South East worked with KCETB on this event last year and we were delighted that it was well supported by our member companies. Please note that there was a huge attendance last year with many interested students and parents being turned away disappointed on the night due to lack of parking. Make sure and book early in order to secure your place. Click hereor email [email protected] for more info.
Call for Industry Sponsors for Mechanical & Manufacturing Student visit to Germany
SETU Waterford organise a trip each year for their Engineering Students to visit high profile international companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, Audi & Kuka Robotics. Theses trips are extremely beneficial to the students as they not only provide insight into many of the new and emerging automation technologies but also play a role in attracting new students into engineering as they can see where a career in engineering can lead.
While the students cover the majority of the costs themselves they do rely on support from companies across the region to help finance the trip and hence are hoping local companies will help by offering a nominal contribution towards the costs (circa €100-200 each). Click here to find out more about the benefits these trips provide and to find out how you can get involved (or email [email protected])
IBEC Engineering Sector Manufacturing Report
The recently published manufacturing report from IBEC highlights ‘attracting / retaining talent’ as the top challenge facing the engineering sector in Ireland. Other key insights identified are, wage growth, investment in sustainability, digitalisation and profitability. See full report here.
Explore Cutting-Edge Solutions that will drive the future of manufacturing
FactoryXChange (FXC) is a new initiative that aims at accelerating digital transformation for Irish enterprises. The objective is to provide a tool that allows qualifying SMEs to access market leading advice and strategic support from firms such as KPMG.
They are holding an event on February 13th that is designed for industry members & public organisations, to navigate Industry 5.0 innovations for sustainable growth. The event will offer unique opportunities to:
Discover how FXC and KPMG Future Analytics can support your journey toward a digitally enhanced and sustainable future.
Connect with industry leaders, public sector partners, digital strategists, and service providers.
Explore the full range of supports available through the FXC services and skills marketplace.
Network with like-minded peers and gain valuable insights on how to drive your business forward.
The Engineering the South East cluster has a mission to see companies working together to address skills needs, promote careers in engineering and advance the engineering capabilities of the region.