Newsletter: September 2024Welcome! Our newsletter aims to provide digital technology news and information to Principals, ICT or Digital Learning Coordinators and Teams, teachers and all those involved in education.Spotlight: AI in Schools In this edition we are shining a spotlight on Artificial Intelligence (AI). From our Online Course to the Webwise AI Hub to our AI Videos Series to our AI in Schools Webpage - you will find all you need to begin your journey with AI. Our various sections also highlight further advice and resources you may find useful. NEW! Online Course: AI for Schools A new online course on AI for Schools is now available. It provides teachers and school leadership teams with an understanding of artificial intelligence in the school context and outlines considerations for schools. This one-hour online course is for both primary and post-primary teachers and school leadership teams. It is available throughout the school year. AI & Online Safety – Webwise AI Hub The Webwise AI Hub provides information and resources on artificial intelligence, its benefits, as well as the current limitations and concerns. It also signposts key resources, including lessons incorporating AI. AI Video Series Check out our short video interviews on AI in education, featuring insights from Oide colleagues on AI in action in schools nationwide, along with expert perspectives from the Adapt centre. AI in Schools Webpage What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What are the considerations for the use of AI in primary and post primary schools? Find out by exploring the AI in Schools webpage, which will guide you to the most relevant resources for schools and teachers. Online Courses NEW! Digital Technology for Modern Foreign Language Teachers (Post-Primary) Post-primary MFL teachers will be interested in our new three-hour online course on Digital Technology for MFL Teachers, developed in partnership with PPLI. Following a well-received short pilot late last year, the course is now fully available with unlimited access and runs until the end of the 2024/25 school year. Free term time courses for all Short online courses on a variety of other topics related to using digital technologies in teaching and learning are also available throughout the school year, including holiday periods. These courses cover most of the important areas any teacher needs to know about for effective use of digital technologies. All courses are free of charge and offer a certificate of completion. Good Practice Digital Technology and Inclusive Learning The principal and teachers at Ashbourne Educate Together National School describe the inclusive practices they deploy as a multi-denominational school with multiple languages and a wide variety of different needs. Formative Assessment Digital Portfolios Teachers at Wicklow Educate Together Secondary School describe how they integrated the Formative Assessment Digital Portfolio (FADP) project in their school. School Support Digital Technologies Team Visit To request a visit from a Digital Technologies team member who will provide support in embedding digital technology into teaching, learning, and assessment, click on the link below. Use the password 'schoolsupport2024' to log in and apply. Digital Technology Infrastructure School Leadership: Guide Updated We recently updated our Digital Technology Infrastructure (DTI) Guide for schools which is written specifically for school leadership, including principals, deputy principals, the digital learning team and the DTI coordinating teacher. The purpose of the guide is to present Digital Technology Infrastructure in a non-technical manner and to show how it can support schools in achieving their teaching and learning objectives. AI in Post-Primary History Class Scoilnet Learning Paths (LP) enable teachers to select and organise resources from the Scoilnet site into a sequence or collection and share it with their peers or pupils. This highlighted LP features a series of 12 lesson plans consider interesting topics in History, examined through the lens of AI. Back to School Resources Get to know your new class and ease your pupils back into school with these fun, interactive activities! Including a First Day Bingo Game, Getting to Know You activities and narrative writing on the theme of Summer Holidays, you are sure to find something to suit. Settling into Secondary School Starting secondary school can be a little daunting. Scoilnet has gathered together information and resources which may be of help to you! Irish Olympians Factfiles Irish athletes were on top form this year at the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Scoilnet has created brand new factfiles on Daniel Wiffen, Kellie Harrington, Rhys McClenaghan and many more. Use these factfiles as part of your in-class Olympics projects or as inspiration for your budding sports stars! AI Updates - AI Hub and AUP Generator The Webwise AUP Generator has been updated to include incorporate AI in education and its use in the school environment. The AUP tool can be used to update or create a customised Acceptable Use Policy and is free for schools to use. New advice on AI Considerations for Schools is also available on the Webwise AI Hub. Order free curriculum-aligned online safety lessons and resources Webwise provide free resources for schools. Explore topics including cyberbullying, privacy, image-sharing, digital media literacy and more. Digital and hard copies of the resources are available to order on Webwise Parents Hub Introduce parents to the Webwise Parents Hub which has free advice, information, and resources to help keep children and teenagers safe online. |